Saturday, October 20, 2012

check 1

if i had a dollar, i would move to milla wak ee. that's how it goes. she knows we only come here for the awesome fruit. (she grew up on a farm, my man). Who was he talking to? Perhaps toomany of his homies had altercations with the law.  the law? she said. Whodo u think ur talking to, she said. IDK. It's a big world. i've had a few beers and climbed to the top of the space needle. It's a lng way up, she said. If it's a lng way up why dnt you tell me how to get there. It's too complicated she said. Why ---- he said. u wdn't understand i said. if we had a chance to do this would you be in, my friend said. it's never too late.  I understand, but how do we esplain to all those who were waiting for us to get to a point.  What pont is that, i said. u know what i'm talking about

I did, but I didnt.  there were a few ways to take the situation. i felt we ought to listen to everyone involved, but that WAS the problem. WHO was involved. I initially WASNT, but I guess that's all the same. Just a game.

Let me recount how I ended up here.  I want to say it was her, but it wasn't.

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